
CarSim and TruckSim are being used at many universities around the world to teach the fundamentals of vehicle dynamics.

Academic Race Teams

As a SAE Supplier Sponsor to the Formula SAE and Baja SAE competitions, Mechanical Simulation is dedicated to helping the automotive industry’s future engineers enhance their abilities. Through a special program, teams can use CarSim and SuspensionSim to help design, develop, and test their vehicles before fabrication even begins. This allows more driving time in the vehicle, critical to finishing well in these events. CarSim can help in many competition areas, such as vehicle chassis setup and engineering design presentations. This is a program where University race teams can use CarSim at a special price unavailable to others.

Classroom Use

CarSim is available for a program known as CarSim in the Classroom, where your college or university leases CarSim for classroom use at a price that is affordable to any university. This program is designed for professors teaching vehicle dynamics, chassis development, and controls classes.

To qualify for this program:

  • The college or university must be able to use the FLEXlm license management software.
  • There must be at least 10 students using the software.
  • The software is to be used for academic purposes only.
  • The institution will provide information and a report about their uses.

Academic Research

CarSim and TruckSim are offered at a substantial discount for researchers and university projects in academic areas. Contact us or your local sales agent for full details.

Funded Commercial Research

We charge the regular commercial price for CarSim and TruckSim for individuals doing commercial work. For example, any contract where the software is owned by the sponsor (e.g., government research) is considered commercial.

For more information on any of these programs please contact Robert McGinnis via email at

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ESC Testing
Use the CarSim advanced driver model to check arbitrary paths. Click for more detail.
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