VS Scene Builder Tool
The VS Scene Builder tool is shared in CarSim,TruckSim, and BikeSim. This tool is accessed from the Browser menu item Tools > VS Scene Builder. It has a drag-and-drop interface that you can use to assemble a scene by dragging tiles that have attached animator assets and terrain. You can also drag "props" such as signs, bus stops, barriers, pedestrians, etc.
After the scene is assembled, paths can be created by clicking on arrows shown in the road. Or, simply by clicking with your mouse (for example, to make paths over grass or sidewalks).
The assembled scene properties (terrain, paths, and properly located animator assets) can be exported at any time as a .vsscene
file, and then imported into the Scene: External Import library screen to use in CarSim,TruckSim, or BikeSim.
The databases for CarSim, TruckSim, and BikeSim include sets of tiles that have been extended in each recent release. The Scene Builder also has the option to import datasets made in the OpenDRIVE format.
The tiles in the installed databases were either created by the Art Team at Mechanical Simulation, or imported from OpenDRIVE datasets.

VehicleSim Products
Built-In Features
ADAS: Moving Objects and SensorsAnimation and Plotting
Automation and COM
Built-In Controllers
GUI, Database, and Documentation
Modular VS Math Models
Paths and S-L Coordinates
Roads and Terrain
VS Commands Language
VS Scene Builder Tool
Co-Simulation Technologies
Real-Time HIL SupportSimulink, FMI/FMU, LabVIEW
Unreal Engine
VehicleSim SDK